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Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Amazing Formula - Convert browsers into buyers

Zara's note:

No good just having leads - if you don't have a plan on how to convert them to buyers This is where you need either a coach, a guru or somebody that has absorbed a lot of information (like like Zara your humble webmaster!)and can tell you honestly which experts - deliver so you are not wasting your time trying to decide which one, might be giving out useful advice and which one's have a proven track record

- this doesn't rule out newbie marketer's to the Industry BTW - as I've been watching them too over the years, I remember watching the rise to popularity of John Reese and Mike Filsaime - just seeing their method of achieving success sowed the seed of curiosity and learning in my head...

Anyway I side track, Marlon Sanders offers value for money, useful advice - and if you can't learn some thing from this man - then you might as well pack your bags and go home !

Check Out the New Amazing Formula that Sells Products Like Crazy Click Here

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Finally – The Internet Marketer’s Playground!


hi peoples,

I have just been introduced to a site that I have been hoping someone would make. A Web 2.0 site designed for Internet Marketers, this site really does have everything needed to build the perfect platform for online success.

Read Enough? Visit:
Viral Networks


The features are awesome, not only can you network with other contacts in the same industry, which is VITAL for success, we can also build a Hyper Viral messageboard list through the addition of an awesome list builder.

The site allows you to build a downline down 5 levels and contact them via messageboard, as well as this, they also reward you with 10% of the credits earned from everyone in your downline!

Credits are used to determine how much you get in the revenue sharing pool which means, just from being an active user, ViralNetworks share their revenue with you! How good is that!

Read Enough? Visit:
Viral Networks


The site has taken around 18 months to build from the ground up and these guys are serious about making it so much easier for you to succeed! There is no space in this email for more, but rush over to the site now:

Viral Networks

Warm Regards,

Zara Lockwood

Home Business Opportunity

Note From Zara: My website/blog is presented to you as an Independent DXN Distributor - That sells Coffee and Ganoderma Products in the UK - if you are interested in the products/business opportunity e-mail me here: and I will contact you.

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